What is an Enema? | Definition, Types & Uses.

What is an Enema? | Definition, Types & Uses.

Behavioral Objective

In this activity, you're going to be practicing your creative writing skills and write a dialog out between a patient that needs an enema and a doctor. Try to picture yourself in the patient's situation. What might they worry about and what could a doctor say to inform them and reassure them? Make sure your dialog is grounded in science and accurately reflects why a person might need an enema and what accurate information a doctor would provide. To make sure your dialog has everything it needs, check out the criteria for success below.

Criteria For Success

  • Dialog is between a patient that requires an enema and a medical professional
  • Dialog is at least 500 words
  • Dialog is descriptive and interesting to read
  • Dialog is grounded in scientific facts from the lesson or academic research

What kind of enema is used for impaction?

An oil-based enema may be best for its ability to dissolve fecal mass. If an enema alone is not effective, the impaction may be removed manually.

How long does it take for an enema to work?

There are two groups of enemas. Cleansing enemas work almost immediately. Retention enemas remain in the colon for 15 minutes or more.

What are the different types of enemas?

Cleansing enemas include water, saline, Epsom salt, baking soda, sodium phosphate, and apple cider vinegar. Retention enemas include coffee, mineral oil, probiotic, and barium.

How does an enema work?

Enemas work by injecting a solution into the colon. An increase in fluid dilutes waste and mechanically expands the colon. Some solutions contain medication or contrast dye that either provide additional health benefits or allow for additional study.

What does an enema do?

Depending on the solution, an enema can cleanse the colon, prepare for imaging, relieve constipation, prepare for surgery, or permit additional procedures.

Enemas are used to:

  • Treat constipation
  • Administer medications
  • Cleanse and detox the colon
  • Remove fecal impaction
  • Prepare the gut for a medical test or exam
  • Permit radiologic medical imaging

Constipation is a common condition of the gastrointestinal tract. It is characterized by the inability to expel waste from the colon at a healthy rate. Enemas are used for patients with chronic or severe constipation, otherwise, a change in diet, exercise, stool softeners, and oral laxatives are the preferred remedies.

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Enemas are classified into two main categories: cleansing enemas and retention enemas. Cleansing enemas are water-based, fast-acting, and, as the name suggests, are meant to gently flush and cleanse.

Examples of cleansing colons include:

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Enemas are generally considered a safe procedure. Most issues or complications occur when administered at home without the approval or instruction of a healthcare professional. Inserting or forcing the tube more than 4 inches into the rectum can cause rectal tearing and bleeding. Barium enemas can perforate (bore a hole or opening) into the rectum if not administered carefully. The use of unsanitized equipment can cause an infection.

Other side effects include:

  • Abdominal cramping
  • Gas and bloating
  • Persistent diarrhea and dehydration
  • Bloody stool
  • Allergic reaction to the enema solution
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness

All major side effects should be immediately reported to a physician for further examination.

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Enemas are contraindicated in patients with rectal stones, bowel obstructions, anemia, lupus, hernias, colitis, cancer, kidney problems, and active coronary heart disease. They are also contraindicated in pregnant patients.

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An enema is a medical procedure used to inject a substance, usually a liquid, into the colon. Enemas are split into two groups: cleansing enemas and retention enemas. Cleansing enemas are used to remove waste immediately, detox, and clear the colon for surgery or further study. Retention enemas remain in the colon longer and are either used to dissolve waste for easy expulsion, provide additional health benefits, or permit medical imaging. Each enema is named based on the type of solution injected:

Cleansing enemas:

  • Water
  • Saline
  • Epsom salt
  • Baking soda
  • Sodium phosphate
  • Apple cider vinegar

Retention enemas:

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Video Transcript

What Is an Enema?

Brittany is at the emergency room. Her stomach is distended, and she has not passed stool in three days, which is causing her a significant amount of pain. The doctor examined her and determined that she is constipated and needs an enema. Brittany has never heard of enema before; she is in a lot of pain but is unsure about the procedure. A nurse comes in with a bottle of liquid attached to a long tube and explains that an enema is an instrument used to introduce liquid into the large intestine though the rectum.

The nurse explains that normally after you eat food your stomach digests it, turning it into a liquid. The liquid is then passed through the intestines where nutrients and excess liquid are absorbed. This turns the liquid food into stool. If you're unable to pass the stool, more and more liquid gets absorbed making the stool hard and difficult to pass as a bowel movement. The liquid solution in the enema will help soften and liquefy the stool, which makes it easier to pass.


The nurse explains to Brittany that she will have her undress from the waist down and cover her with a sheet. She will position her lying down on her left hand side. The nurse says she will wash her hands, put on gloves and lubricate the tip of the enema to make the procedure more comfortable. The lubricated tube will be inserted into Brittany's rectum and the bottle containing the liquid will be squeezed so that all the liquid will be emptied into her colon (large intestine). The enema will then be removed.

Brittany should feel the sensation to have a bowel movement immediately. The nurse explains that it is best if Brittany waits as long as she can without using the bathroom so the liquid has a chance to soften the stool. Brittany agrees to have the procedure performed, but is curious about something: what exactly is the liquid in the enema?

Types of Enemas

There are different types of enemas. Most are made of plain water, but others contain solutions that help draw water out of the bloodstream back into the colon, such as sodium chloride or even baking soda. Others may include a lubricant, such as mineral oil or a cleansing agent, such as soap.


There are other uses for enemas besides constipation. They can be used to aid in procedures and visual studies, such as colonoscopies and CAT scans. They can be effective in evacuating the bowels prior to surgery or used to put radiographic dye into the intestines, such as barium, to allow for a better visual of the digestive tract.


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